To celebrate the end of full term (the study period for undergraduates), a couple of friends and I took a long weekend in Copenhagen, Denmark to see the sights, get a taste of real snow, and visit the Christmas markets. We visited Tivoli in all of its holiday splendor, took a tour of the Danish royal crown jewels, saw The Little Mermaid and a number of other icons, visited The Marble Church, ogled the Verdensur astronomical clock, and waged battle against the cold weather with warm tea and Gløgg.
Archive for the ‘Adventure’ Category
Weekend in Copenhagen Leave a comment
The Road to Bicester 1 comment
Today was another day of cycling out to Bicester to do some gliding. This time, I took a few pictures along the way. I got three flights in (practicing winch launch failures — techniques for handling a cable that snaps during the launch) and cycled back to Wolfson before sunset! The ride itself is very nice: the larger roads have bicycle lanes or paths, and the smaller country roads (and their associated animals) are quite charming. More pictures below!
Fifth of November Leave a comment
“A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy.” — Guy Fawkes To celebrate Guy Fawkes Night, Wolfson College put on a fireworks show. It turned out to be a lot larger than I expected. About 200 spectators were about 75 yards from the launch site across the Wolfson Harbor. The fireworks lasted 20 minutes, and saw several minutes with the entire sky lit up. About a week later, a friend of a friend organized the second half of the traditional November celebrations, a bonfire night. In addition to a roaring fire, the night brought mulled wine, some more fireworks, and excellent company. One of the best parts of November in general was that any given night, there was a decent chance of fireworks randomly going off outside my window. Rhyme or no, celebrations here do not last just one night. |
Adventures in Gliding 1 comment
The Magic of Ocracoke Leave a comment
Tug of War Leave a comment
There comes a point in every MD/DPhil student’s life when that student must, in semi-formal attire, play tug-of-war with a Great Dane.
Key West Welcomes 2010 Leave a comment
Duke in the Snow Leave a comment
It is pretty rare to get a snow day from medical school, but that’s just what happened on this fortuitous day. It was perfect timing, as a friend from out of town was visiting (and in fact got snowed into Durham), so we explored the campus-made-winter-wonderland, enjoyed our time off, and took a few pictures. A few enterprising undergrads had even made a snowman!